PART7Basic Circuit of Semiconductor
Experiment 9 :Characteristic of SCR
In normal switching TR, to lower the internal resistance of ON status, the impurity concentration of the collector should be raised, and then the reverse voltage of collector becomes lower. To overcome this, a switching element of high reverse voltage and high power is developed, and this is SCR(silicon controlled rectifier) of 4-level structure and 3 terminals as in fig.7-37(A). This is also called a thyristor. Pulse current over certain level should flow to the gate of SCR so that forward current can flow from anode to cathode.(Switch ON)
Operation Principle
To interpret the operation of SCR, think as in fig.7-37(b) that two layers in the middle are split and pnp TR and npn TR are contacted.
- When the gate is earthed, Q1 is cutoff. Here, ICI=IB2=ICO1 is too small to turn on Q2. That is, when VGK=0, SCR is off.
- When + voltage(normal pulse) which is big enough is applied to the gate, Q1 is turned on, and IC1=IB2turns on Q2, and IC1=IB2turns on Q1 more. That is, regeneration occurs within Q1 roof so two TRs are turned on. From the moment the voltage is applied to the gate to the moment SCR is on is called turn ON time of SCR, and usually is 0.1 ~ 1μs.
- Once SCR is turned on, the ON status is maintained after removing gate voltage. Tu turn off SCR, Operate anode voltage as 0 or -. The turn OFF time is 1~30μs.
- Once the gate current flows, value of α increases and when α1+α2 reaches 1, anode current I becomes very big. That is, SCR is turned on. If gate current is removed in this status, SCR is still turned on.
Fig.7-38(a) describes the change of anode current when gate current is maintained as 0 and anode voltage is changed. When the anode voltage is increased in - direction, avalanche breakdown of SCR occurs. When it is increased in + direction, α1+α2 is small in OA region and SCR operates just as the reverse biased junction. In AB region, α value increases and at breakover voltage, α1+α2=1. If the current increases more, SCR operates just as forward biased junction. That is, it operates in CD region where anode voltage is fallen radically. When the hold current corresponding point C is decreased below IH, the operation point moves from C to the origin 0 and SCR is off.
When current IG flows at the gate, α value increases and breakover voltage becomes low(fig.7-38(b)). Generally, to turn on, the anode voltage lower than breakover voltage of IG=0 is applied and trigger signal is applied to the gate. Short pulse with peak voltage of several V, peak current of several mA ~ several tens mA is used as the trigger signal.
Experiment Process
1. To experiment the characteristic of SCR, make a connection as in fig.7-39 using Block d of M07 and supply the power of DC 10V.
2. Change the gate voltage as given in table 7-14 and measure the gate current(IG), the voltage between both ends of load resistance(VO) and load current(IL) and record the result in the relevant column. And decrease the input voltage slowly and record the current at the moment it is turned off(Turn-Off Current).
tab1Experiment 7-9.1 SCR Characteristic Measurement (In Block d of M07, compose a circuit as in fig.7-39.)
1.Connection(Block d of M07)
1.Power Connection
Connect between V1 terminal of Variable Power on the left of M07 board and V+ terminal of Block d with red line, and between COM terminal and the earthing terminal with black line.
2.Measuring Instrument Connection
Ammeter Connection
SCR gate current(IG) measurement : Measure by using the current measurement function of separate Digital Multimeter. Conenct the red lead wire of Digital Multimeter to center terminal of VR4 of Block d and the black lead wire to left terminal of R8.
Load current(IL) measurement : Connect between Current mA/A terminal on the front panel of Multimeter and lower terminal of R10 of Block d with red line, and between Low terminal and K terminal of SCR with black line.
Voltmeter Connection
Measuring gate voltage of between R9’s both ends (VG): Connect between A+ terminal of Signal Input CH A on the front panel and lower terminal of SW4 of Block d with red line, and between A- terminal and the earthing terminal with black line.
Measuring the voltage of R10’s both ends(VO): Connect between B+ terminal of Signal Input CH B on the front panel and V+ terminal of Block d with red line, and between B- terminal and lower terminal of R10 with black line.
2.Wiring Diagram
- 1Choose variable power at the left menu of Touch LCD panel and set up at 3 CH DC to make V1 as 10V with .
to supply DC 10V output to the circuit. - 2Choose analog input at the left menu of Touch LCD panel, click Volt & Ampere Meter and click , , for CH A and CH B each.
- 3Choose dmm at the left menu of Touch LCD panel and choose .
- 4Turn on SW4.
- 5Turn VR4 slowly to the right as given in table 7-14 and change the voltage and record the measured value in the relevant column of table 7-14.
Choose analog input at the left menu of Touch LCD panel and record the measured values of CH A(gate voltage between R9’s both ends(VG) and of CH B(voltage between R10’s both ends(VO) in the relevant column.
Choose dmm at the left menu of Touch LCD panel and record the measured value of load current(IL) in the relevant column.
Record the measured value of SCR gate current(IG) measured by the current measurement function of separate digital multimeter in the relevant column.
- 5After the measurement, choose variable power at the left menu of Touch LCD panel and click to cutoff the power supply.
Experiment Result Report
1. Experiment Result Table
2. Review and Explanation
1) In the measurement value of load voltage[VO] of table 7-14, draw a characteristic curve in Graph using voltage between A-K of SCR[VAK] and load current [IL].
In table 7-14 and characteristic curve of Graph, indicate forward breakover voltage (VBR), holding current(IH) and switching current(Is) and record the value.
forward breakover voltage(Forward Breakover Voltage(VBR)) =
holding current( IH : holding current) =
switching current(Is : switching current) =
In case of forward breakover voltage, how much is the current flowing to the gate?